Thank You Presenters
Last year we had the great pleasure of hosting our 1st Entrepreneur Camp with the help of 20 Caterers and Presenters. Please visit their respective pages by clicking on their links and learn more about them.
Building self-assurance and holding the belief that any goal can be accomplished, will aid in bridging the gap between possibilities and achievements.
Learning how to embrace personal responsibility while coming into adulthood can be a challenge. Developing Life-Skills smooths this transition.
Possessing one of the greatest qualities, the foundation of trustworthiness, virtue, decency and character should be instilled at an early age.
Having a moral compass, knowing how to honor and use it to navigate through experiences, will always lead to the right path.
Last year we had the great pleasure of hosting our 1st Entrepreneur Camp with the help of 20 Caterers and Presenters. Please visit their respective pages by clicking on their links and learn more about them.
The goal of the Youth Entrepreneur Camp is to introduce our youth, the future of our Riviera Beach Community, to available paths after high school completion, as early as possible.
A multitude of paths will present themselves along the way.
EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITIES!2018 Day 2 Facebook LiveWatch Video - Ted White
Make use of the skills within to take you to that next level.
YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!2018 Day 1 Facebook LiveWatch Video - Kevin Lawson